This infographic allows readers to see quickly and easily which are the most stolen cars in the UK, according to recent data. Car theft is a problem experienced globally, and more is being done to both understand and tackle it.
Compiling findings from comparison website GoCompare, as well as the widely used Tracker software, and official UK police force surveys, the infographic shows an intriguing outcome: certain brands of cars are statistically more likely to be stolen.
Armed with this information, readers and buyers can make an informed decision when choosing a car or else simply become more familiar with a common UK crime issue.
Compiling findings from comparison website GoCompare, as well as the widely used Tracker software, and official UK police force surveys, the infographic shows an intriguing outcome: certain brands of cars are statistically more likely to be stolen.
Armed with this information, readers and buyers can make an informed decision when choosing a car or else simply become more familiar with a common UK crime issue.
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