What are creepypastas?
Basically, Creepypastas are a genre of horror stories that have been shared all around the world via the internet. These horror storie are usually short ranging anywhere from a couple sentences to a small series of short stories.
Usually, creepypasta are written to sound real. Most often these stories are paranormal related, although stalker and intruder stories have also become common. It's not on common for these horror stories to contain real places like gas stations, and retail stores. The use of online locations like facebook and tiktoc have also become popular to use. This helps create a sense of realism and are part of the reason why creepypastas have become popular in my opinion.
The goal of this graphic is to outline eight different creepypasta writing tips into a visually entertaining infographic. These tips will help greatly with world building, character development, and setting the right tone in your creepypasta stories.
Basically, Creepypastas are a genre of horror stories that have been shared all around the world via the internet. These horror storie are usually short ranging anywhere from a couple sentences to a small series of short stories.
Usually, creepypasta are written to sound real. Most often these stories are paranormal related, although stalker and intruder stories have also become common. It's not on common for these horror stories to contain real places like gas stations, and retail stores. The use of online locations like facebook and tiktoc have also become popular to use. This helps create a sense of realism and are part of the reason why creepypastas have become popular in my opinion.
The goal of this graphic is to outline eight different creepypasta writing tips into a visually entertaining infographic. These tips will help greatly with world building, character development, and setting the right tone in your creepypasta stories.
Submitted By: nerdmilitia.com

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